Candlemas 2014 (Luke 2:22-40) “When
the time came…”
There is a
time and a place for everything.
King Solomon
observed this about the world thousands of years ago. King Solomon expressed
this principle in the words: to everything there is a season.
My parents
frequently expressed this concept to my brothers and I as we were growing up.
It can be a difficult concept for a child to learn. Children frequently want
what they want and want it now. They need to hear the message; no. now is not
the time for ice cream. Now is the time for dinner.
We all, at
any age, need to hear the message: now is the time for worship.
Mary and
Joseph understood this. Mary and Joseph lived this.
God had
revealed the principles of worship and the details of worship some two thousand
years before Jesus was born. The principles of worship are three fold.
First: God
sets the time, the place and the pattern for worship.
Second: The
essence of worship is sacrifice.
Third: the
Plan of worship is the Real Presence of Eternal Love for the salvation and
sanctification of souls.
As we
remember the Presentation of Christ in the Temple and the Purification of Mary
after childbirth it is important to place these historic events in their
context. The context is our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation.
God clearly
and explicitly set the time the place and the pattern. The time is forty days
after childbirth. The place is the Temple in Jerusalem. The pattern is the
offering of a sacrifice at the altar. There were two acceptable sacrifices.
Mary and Joseph chose the option they could afford: two pigeons.
for modern Americans, Jesus fulfilled and completed this aspect of Divine Law. Had
he not done that there would be all manner of grumbling and murmuring and open
rebellion. Why forty days? I can’t possibly fit that into my schedule. Why the
Temple in Jerusalem? Why can’t I use a branch Temple closer to where I live?
Why that sacrifice? I should be able to bring any sacrifice that I want.
Psychoanalyst Victor Frankel once observed that Medieval man functioned at the
emotional level of a twelve year old. He also observed the modern man functions
at the level of a two year old. We have a tendency to a sense of individual entitlement.
We have a tendency to insist on our way or the highway. We have a tendency to
make non- negotiable demands backed by a threat.
Jesus fulfilled and transformed the law of sacrificial
worship. At every stage in his life he fulfilled the Law. Mary and Joseph
helped him with this when he was an infant and a child. We no longer have to
offer two pigeons at the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem forty days after
principles of sacrificial worship remain in effect. The details have changed.
principle is expressed in the prayer Jesus most frequently prayed: Heavenly
Father, not my will but Thy will be done. The principle is revealed in the
question Jesus most frequently asked people: how may I help?
sacrifice God now asks us to make is our time, attention and attitude. Jesus
manifests the reality that there is no love without sacrifice. Jesus is not a
religious minimalist. He is the infinite and eternal love of God personified.
He is Divine abundance for all people everywhere.
When the
time came as appointed by God and designed by God Mary and Joseph went to the
Temple in Jerusalem to offer the appointed sacrifice. They did so willingly and
joyfully. In that surrender of self-will to Divine will they met two prophets:
Simeon and Anna. They received the prophetic blessing. They entered into the
Divine Glory.
For us as
fallen human beings all worship will involve sacrifice. Worship is the highest
form of love and love does not come easily to the descendants of Adam and Eve.
Pride and self-will come to us and emerge from our souls more easily than the
sacrificial love of the new life Jesus offers and the new way of living the
Holy Spirit is cultivating in our minds, hearts and wills.
From the
heavenly realm of the Church Triumphant Mary and Joseph pray for us to seek
first the Kingdom of God. Seek first Divine will. Seek first the steadfast holy
sacrificial love of Jesus.
The time has
come. The time is now. Be where God is. Choose to set aside self-will and pride
through the help of the Holy Spirit. Choose the Jesus Way of sacrificial love
in how we use our time and where we direct our attention.
When the
time came Mary and Joseph said “yes” to God. As the preeminent intercessors in
the Universal Church, Mary and Joseph encourage us to make the same choice.
Offer your best to God. Become your best in God. Enter into the blessing so you
can experience the blessing and become the blessing to others.