Lent 1 (Luke 4:1-13) “It is written.”
is a lie that seduces by a false promise. Only Truth can overcome temptation. Jesus
knew this. And, Jesus practiced this.
In the first
temptation, Satan suggests to Jesus that he meet a legitimate need (hunger)
through illegitimate means (magic). The temptation to turn stones into bread is
the temptation of the occult.
By this
temptation, Satan probes for knowledge and seduces through power. Satan is not
entirely sure about Jesus. He wants to know more. He suspects Jesus has power
but he isn’t sure how much power Jesus has. He isn’t sure how Jesus will use
his power. So, he tempts Jesus to violate the natural law of cause and effect.
Miracles do
not violate natural law. They raise natural law into the Real Presence of the
Divine. The Real Presence of the Divine sets nature free from corruption to
manifest God’s grace. Magic is a violation of cause and effect that promises
immediate pleasure but delivers greater and greater levels of distortion in the
human mind, heart and will.
recognizes this and counters a lie with Truth. Jesus quotes Scripture. It was
Scripture he learned as a child from the Rabbis in the Synagogue. The lesson
here is direct and powerful. It is essential that children learn the Bible. By
learning the Bible, children have a better opportunity to discern a lie and
overcome the lie with Truth.
The second
temptation is religion. It is the distortion of religion through the corruption
of worship. Satan himself rejected the pattern of worship when he asked the
angels to worship him. Once again he is probing for information. Is Jesus one
of the innumerable angelic beings in human form? Can he be seduced as so many
of the angels were seduced? The bait Satan uses for Jesus is power. Satan claims
power over all the nations (which is a half- truth). He offers to give this
power to Jesus so Jesus can become exactly who everyone wants him to be: a
military messiah who will conquer and rule the nations. Satan assumes this is
who Jesus wants to become.
Satan has
used this tactic over the millennia many times with much success. He fails with
Jesus as once again Jesus meets the lie of power and the half- truth of Satan’s
promise with the truth of scripture. Worship is not about power. Worship is the
highest form of love. The only person who can hold our worship is God. The only
person who can sustain our loyalty is God.
Satan’s most
subtle temptation comes as he, too, quotes scripture. It is important to
understand that Satan knows the Bible better than any human being ever will.
Satan has the knowledge but not the understanding. We hear in the third
temptation how Satan, and those who have been seduced by his deceits, can and
will use scripture to tempt those who have a knowledge of the Bible but lack
the understanding of the Bible.
This is the
temptation of pride. Satan challenges Jesus to prove to him on his terms and at
his command that Jesus is the Son of God. It is the temptation for Jesus to
assert self-will over divine will in the Plan of Salvation. This temptation
repeats itself every time human beings demand that God prove himself on our own
Once again,
Jesus quotes the Bible. He counters a misapplication of scripture by affirming
a fundamental principle of scripture. God is God. It is not for the creature to
put the Creator to a test and demand a miracle. Jesus met this temptation from
the place of prayer. It was the prayer his mother spoke at the Annunciation. It
is the prayer Jesus would most often pray. It is: Father, not my will but Thy
will be done.
is always a baited hook wrapped in a lie. The bait is usually something we
want. There is always pleasure in the temptation- for a moment. The hook that
holds the bait is separation from God. That separation always results in a
deeply rooted existential pain.
Jesus gives
us the pattern to meet temptation. We meet the lie of temptation with the Truth
of God’s word revealed in the Bible. The lesson is: read the Bible. Study the
Bible. Memorize the Bible. The Holy Spirit will help us. And, He will call to
mind the pertinent scriptures we have placed in our minds when we need them.
We hold fast
to the truth as we choose to live in the Real Presence of the Living Lord of
Truth, Jesus Christ. The lesson is: meet Jesus where Jesus has agreed to meet
u. Meet him in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar on the Day of Real Presence. Our
Heavenly Father created time itself to hold the seventh day as the day of
eternal love through worship. Cultivate the personal relationship with Jesus by
making worship your chief priority.
As we hold
fast to Christ we receive the infusion of divine grace that enables us to know
and understand scripture. In relationship with Jesus we can meet temptation
with courage and conviction. We can with Jesus live by the affirmation of Truth:
It is written.
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