Saint Michael and All Angels 2013
(John 1:47-51)
“You will see heaven opened…”
Eternal life
starts now.
Eternal life
begins at the baptismal font and is nourished at the altar of sacrifice.
Most forms
of religion speak of God, Heaven, salvation or eternal life as a future reward
for present actions. Most forms of religion, including many forms of
Christianity, use the language of debits and credits, the language of rewards
and punishments to frame the reality of God.
Jesus uses
the language of relationship.
reveals and embodies the reality that the One God is a relationship of three
persons. Moses and the prophets help us understand that we as a species have willfully
and spitefully chosen to separate from God. In that separation we experience
profound distortions in our mind, heart and will. Those distortions result in
sin and death.
reveals that salvation from sin and death is organic and relational. Jesus is
the second Adam, the new man, who restores the original pattern of love and
holiness to our species. Salvation from sin and death is the gift of a new life
and a new way of living.
The gift of
salvation is universal and unconditional. Jesus is the pattern of a way of
being human that restores the broken relationship with God, each other and the
image of God imprinted on our souls.
To use
modern evangelical language- we are saved as individuals but immediately grafted into the Body of
Christ. In the Body of Christ, the Church, we enter into a set of relationships.
The first
relationship is the life of the infinite and eternal Triune God. Jesus, the
co-eternal Son of God, reunites us to God the Father and transforms us by God the
Holy Spirit.
It is in
that new relationship that we receive the gift of eternal life.
As the Body
of Christ we are also placed in a set of relationships within the wider church.
The wider church includes the saints of the Church Triumphant. The saints pray
for us. Preeminent among the saints is Holy Mother Mary. She not only prays for
us she channels additional grace to us from the superabundance of grace she
receives from God.
In addition
to the saints of the church Triumphant are the souls of the Church Expectant.
They pray for us and rely on our prayers to grow in grace as they prepare for
the resurrection. We are not permitted to communicate with them or they with
us. Our prayers reassure, comfort and encourage them to release their
attachment to the distortions of sin and to grow in love and holiness.
The third
part of the church is the Church Militant. That is us. We have been given the
assignment to work and pray for the salvation and sanctification of souls. As a
living community of Faith we gather to express and experience the threefold
aspect of eternal love. That threefold aspect of eternal love is worship,
charity and personal transformation.
As the Body
of Christ we are also supported by the angels. God created innumerable angels
before He created the material universe of matter, energy time and space. Theologians
perceive nine different kinds, species, of angels organized in three sets of
There are
seraphim, cherubim and thrones. Principalities, powers and dominions. Virtues,
archangels and angels. Of the nine types of angels, sometimes referred to as
the nine choirs of angels, only two have direct relationships with human
beings: archangels and angels.
God has
appointed these classes of spiritual to be servants of the children of God in
Some theologians
speculate that Lucifer rejected the plan for the pure angelic spirits to leave
the transcendent realm of Heaven to serve the corporeal beings God created in
the material universe. Lucifer wanted these angels to serve him, not us.
teaches that we each have a guardian angel. This angel is a veteran from the
war in Heaven against Lucifer. Guardian angels guard us from the influence of
the fallen angels. They also pray for us, encourage us and stand by us. No
Christian is ever alone. We are part of the Body of Christ encompassing the
Church Triumphant, the Church Expectant and the Church Militant.
We each have
a Guardian Angel who protects us and encourages us to grow in grace.
St. Michael
has a very important role in the Plan of Salvation. He is the general of the
angelic armies. We see in the book of the prophet Daniel that Michael is the
guardian angel of the nation of Israel. He is also the Guardian Angel of the
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
We do not
pray to the angels or saints. We can ask them to pray for us, to encourage us
in the Communion of the Saints and to channel their own unique reflected grace
into our souls.
The Ministry
of Angels is the ministry of the Bridegroom’s servants. They help to prepare us
spiritually to be who God the Father created us to be: the Bride of Christ, the
personal and intimate friends of the co-eternal Son of God.
preeminent service angels offer is to encourage us to enter into the Real
Presence of God at the altar of Sacrifice on the Day of Real Presence, Sunday.
Angels are
unique manifestations of Divine Love. They encourage us to come to church. They
stand with us and surround us at the altar of sacrifice in the very pattern of
worship they experience in the transcendent realm of heaven.
The Holy
Spirit specifically uses our angelic servants to help us grow and transform in
the highest form of love: worship. It is through worship that we experience the
reality of eternal life here and now. The greatest most profound and
transforming blessing available to us is here at the altar of sacrifice.
The angels
in heaven rejoice when a soul makes a real choice to receive reunification with
Divine Love in the waters of baptism. St. Michael the Archangel and our own
personal Guardian Angel rejoice as the baptized in the Church Militant make a
real choice to experience the total immersion of the soul in Divine Love at the
altar of sacrifice.
The angels
guide us very specifically to this place at this time to experience the
blessing of Real Presence and see heaven opened for us here and now and
forever. Amen.
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