Epiphany 7 (Matthew 5:38-48)
perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.”
The command for perfection is the call to
The command is very specific. Jesus presents it as an imperative. He also
defines his terms within the command.
Jesus does not say be a perfectionist. Jesus does
say be perfect as (in the same way) your Heavenly Father is perfect.
The understanding of what Jesus commands is in the
reality of who God is. God is love. God is one God. God is three co-eternal
persons. God is infinite and eternal relationship.
God is at the same time complete within Himself as a
co-eternal community of Love AND God is the infinite potential of love expressing
Himself forever and ever world without
No human being is capable of being perfect in the
categories of knowledge or power or accomplishment. Some of us think we can
achieve this state of perfection by an act of will. Many of us demand this
level of static perfection from each other.
The perfection Jesus commands is the active
participation in the limitless potential and endless journey of universal,
unconditional, sacrificial love.
Religion formed by the categories of Law or
Enlightenment demand perfection of
accomplishment and result. That approach
to life is based in the belief that God is an impersonal state of static
unchanged and unchanging perfection.
The unique and amazing insight Moses and the
Prophets offer and that Jesus embodies is that the perfection of God is an everlasting
outpouring of limitless love. That love is active, dynamic, transforming,
creative, spontaneous and filled with wonder and delight.
The perfection of human demand is a solid state of
rigid inflexible unchanging and impersonal limits. The definition of this
perfection is: only this and nothing more.
The perfection of our Heavenly Father is the
superabundance of love finding completion in a set of relationships that are
open, honest and overflowing with infinite potential for self-expression and
exploration. The voice of this perfection is the voice of Jesus who declares:
Behold, I make all things new. Behold, I have come that you might have life and
have it more abundantly.
The perfection of our Heavenly Father is expressive
and expansive. The perfection of human pride and self-will is repressive and
The religious elites of Jesus’ day demanded a
repressive perfection. They weren’t the first people to use religion in this
way. They are not the last. All forms of
religion and philosophy can be subverted by human pride and re formatted in the categories of repressive static unyielding
impersonal demands.
Only Jesus liberates the human soul from the
impersonal demand of perfection to explore and delight in the personal process
and journey of never ending completion in Divine love.
Since Divine love is infinite, we can never exhaust
the possibilities to experience greater levels of completion. Since that Divine
love is eternal, we grow from grace into greater grace, from joy into greater
joy, from delight into greater delight.
Jesus himself is the pattern for this experience of
divine perfection. As we enter into an active and personal participation in the
new Way of living Jesus offers us, we begin to fulfill the imperative to enter
into the perfection of God the Father.
God never designed us to achieve a static state of
perfection in the categories of knowledge, power or accomplishment. God did
design us to enter into an endless process of wonder and delight in the Divine
Perfection of the One who loves, the one who is loved and the love that forms
their being.
The perfection of our Heavenly Father is personal,
open, and transforming. That is the perfection God the Father designed us to
experience. That is the perfection God the Son offers us as a gift. That is the
perfection God the Holy Spirit manifests in all aspect of our lives now and
forever. World without end. Love without limits. Amen
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