Pentecost 22 (Matthew
25:1-13) “Watch!”
Watch is the imperative to wake up, pay attention, assume
personal responsibility for your actions and attitudes.
It is important to remember that a parable is not an
allegory. A parable is a story drawn from life experience that helps us to
understand spiritual truth. The parable helps to reveal the pattern of truth
our Heavenly Father designed into the universe. The parable helps us to discern
how the Holy Spirit works within the context of human experience to manifest
that pattern in our lives.
It is important for us as 21st century people
living in a secular culture to have some basic knowledge about the marriage
customs in Biblical times. The culture then expected everyone to marry. Jesus
was an exception to this rule as were the apostles Paul and John. This cultural
expectation was grounded in one of the most ancient principles that govern life
on this planet. That principle is “populate or perish.”
Marriage was considered too important to society to leave to
individual choice based on infatuation or romance. Families arranged marriages
when their children were very young. A marriage celebration was a great feast
for the entire community. It was carefully planned. The date was set months
perhaps even years in advance. Everyone knew the date and the place for the
marriage feast.
That is a key point in this parable. All ten bridesmaids had
received the invitation. All ten knew the date that the Bridegroom and his
friends would walk through the town and summon
the guests to the celebration. All ten knew this event was very
important to the life of the community as a whole and for them personally. Only
five of the ten took the invitation seriously.
Only five prepared. Only five kept watch on the pre
announced day. Note that all ten fell asleep as they waited. But, the five who
had prepared were ready when the Bridegroom came.
Now, many modern people miss the meaning in the parable. We
feel a certain outrage, perhaps, that the five wise maidens did not share their
oil with the five foolish. We find fault with the Bridegroom that he makes no
allowance for the maidens who come late to the celebration. We are, if we are
honest, outraged that the Bridegroom isn’t more understanding,
The point of the parable is that there is an hour of
decision. The principle of the parable is the principle of paying attention,
preparing and assuming personal responsibility for our lives. The pattern is
the interplay of grace and choice.
Although the parable is not an allegory, people at the time
understood the oil represented grace. Grace is universal and unconditional. We
cannot buy it. We don’t deserve it. We can have as much as we want but we can’t
sell it, barter it or even share it with others.
In the preparation the five wise maidens paid attention to
the customs of their time. They were alert to the invitation and the appointed
day. They prepared by cultivating their attitudes and actions with the goal in
mind. The kept watch for the great moment.
The five foolish maidens did not prepare. They did not
prepare because they did not value the invitation. Because they did not value
the invitation they did not keep watch. They cultivated an attitude and an
action of indifference. They weren’t lazy. They just did not care. They were
The application to the plan of salvation is the pattern of
choice, self- responsibility and consequence. God constantly pours forth grace,
divine favor, to all people everywhere. The Great Mystery of the Plan of Salvation
is human choice. Some of us pay attention. Some of us don’t. Some of us value
what God is offering. Some of us don’t. Some of us prepare to meet Christ, the
Bridegroom, by using the grace the Holy Spirit gives us to place Jesus first in
our list of priorities. And, some of us don’t.
Salvation is the real presence of the co-eternal Son in our
lives. It is a universal unconditional gift to all people everywhere without
exception. Jesus once made this point by saying that some criminals and
promiscuous people would enter into the Kingdom of Heaven while some upstanding
and moral people would not. The key is choice.
The door to heaven which this key fits is Jesus.
Jesus wants all people to accept his Father’s grace and to
cultivate the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the eternal Bridegroom.
Heaven is the marriage feast. As Billy Graham once observed: there are no shot
gun weddings in heaven. If you want what God offers you can have it as a gift.
But, you can’t buy it. You can’t demand it as a right. And, you can’t borrow it
from someone else.
Jesus loves us with an everlasting love. Because he loves us
he warns us. It does matter what you choose. It does matter where you place
your time and attention. Every choice you make forms your soul. You are the
co-creator of your own life in this world and your destiny in the life of the
world to come.
The Father sets the pattern according to the Son by the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The pattern is the real presence of divine love.
The process unfolds in every choice we make. The Holy Spirit is the Helper who
offers to anoint us with the oil of salvation. Jesus offers himself to us as
our forever friend. In that offer he reminds to make a real choice to pay
attention, take personal responsibility for your attitudes and actions. Above
all- observe the chain of cause and effect in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit
for help. Hear the call to worship, believe the call to worship, and respond to
the call to worship.
Wake up. Pay attention. Make a real choice to live and move
and have your being in the real presence of Jesus Christ who encourages us with
the imperative; Watch,
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