Saturday, December 20, 2014

Advent 4

Advent 4 (Luke 1:26-38)
“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord, be it unto me according to Thy word.”
Mary placed God first in her life.
On this 4th Sunday of Advent, the Holy Spirit directs the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church throughout the world and throughout time to consider the role of Mary in our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation. She is the woman who is full of grace. She is the one who lived by grace through faith. She is the one whom God the Father chose to be the mother of His incarnate son Jesus Christ.
God is universal unconditional love who pours out grace to everyone. Few partake of that grace. Fewer still value what God offers.
Mary is the woman who chose to become full of grace. Where so many people have said and continue to say “no” to God, Mary says “yes.”
Mary said yes to God by accepting the real presence of God in worship, compassion and personal transformation.
God said: Keep the seventh day, the Sabbath Day, holy to the Lord and Mary said yes.
God said: offer the appointed sacrifice at the appointed time and the appointed place and Mary said yes.
God said prepare your mind, heart and will to enter into the Divine Presence and Mary said yes.
God the Father entrusted Mary to be the mother of God the incarnate Son because Mary had said yes to God the Holy Spirit as He spoke in scripture, worship and human need. The Father trusted Mary to help the child Jesus grow in the knowledge and love of God.
Mary’s “yes” to God is rooted in grace manifesting an attitude of faith to produce an action of love.
The Bible teaches that more often than not we respond to grace in the little things of life. We choose to follow where Jesus leads as we allow ourselves to be embraced by the forever friendship of God in Jesus Christ. As we allow Jesus to walk with us we discern the pattern of love in the smallest and most mundane of choices.
Are you ever frustrated in traffic? God did not create that traffic to test you or to punish you. Human choice creates traffic jams. God invites us to respond to such situations from the place of grace- God’s universal unconditional favor, through faith- trust in Jesus that all things work together for good, in love- the pattern of active dynamic creative and personal relationships.
Mary grew up as one of the many working poor. She never knew from day to day if she would have enough food for her family. She never knew if Joseph would find enough work to pay the bills. She never knew when the military occupation forces might come through her village. She lived in a world of political instability and religious conflict. She also made a real choice to receive the grace of God to live by faith in love.
We have a similar choice. In some ways our choice is easier. We have the fullness of the Bible. We have the record of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We have the sacramental real presence of God the Son in our midst. Mary had none of those things. She had grace.
We have grace. All people everywhere have grace. There is no one whom God the Holy Spirit exempts from grace. The challenge is choice.
Will we receive the grace the Holy Spirit offers? Be sure, as we receive divine grace into our souls the result will be a change in the way we think, feel and make choices. The Holy Spirit will not allow us to remain locked in any rigid, inflexible uncompromising sets of beliefs. He will change us.
That change is called sanctification. Mary’s role in the Church as Queen Mother of Heaven is to assist us in this process of sanctification- of transforming change.  Mary prays for us and Mary channels the reflected grace of God from her soul to our souls. As she cared for the child Jesus so she cares for us.
As Mary taught Jesus about the religion and faith of Israel so she teaches us about her Son. Mary is the humble and loving holy mother who continues to fulfill her role in the Plan of Salvation as Queen of Heaven for our benefit. Her “yes”, her “AMEN” to the clear and explicit word of God echoes throughout time and in the depths of our souls inviting us to join with her by saying: I am the Lord’s servant, may God’s will be done now and forever. Amen.

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