Sunday 2015 (John 3:1-17) “God so loved…”
God is love.
In a world that obsesses with the attributes of God -
power (omnipotence), knowledge (omniscience), location (omnipresence) God himself
reminds us that he is love.
On Trinity Sunday, the Church reminds us that the
doctrine (teaching) of the Trinity is an experience we can participate in. The One
God who is love is an eternal community of the three interpersonal relationships
of love.
God the Father is the one who loves. God the Son is
the one who is loved (the Beloved). God the Holy Spirit is the active dynamic
presence of love.
The doctrine of the Trinity is the Great Mystery of
the Infinite and Eternal. As a Great Mystery, the Trinity offers us a
participatory experience in the very nature of God and the very essence of
divinity. We can never reduce the meaning of the Trinity in thoughts or words.
We can never exhaust our appreciation of or our participation in the reality of
the Trinity.
Our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Creation is to form
life, the universe and each of us according to the pattern of the Son by the
continuing real and personal presence of the Holy Spirit. We have been created
by an eternal community of love to live in an active dynamic and transforming
set of relationships that are defined by love.
Our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation is to
restore to us what we walked away from. We walked away from that active dynamic
and transforming set of personal relationships. We separated from God in order
to seize the attributes of God. In that separation we are lost.
God the Father sent God the Son into the world to
reunite what we chose (and continue to choose) to separate. Salvation is an organic
reunification of humanity with divinity in Jesus Christ.
In reunification we surrender the defining qualities
of separation. Those defining qualities are pain, sin and death. We express
those qualities in the attitude of pride (that says I know what is best), self-
will (the will to power that demands instant gratification) and fear (the
reaction of the soul to a perceived universe devoid of meaning and purpose).
When we receive the gift of reunification with the
Father, through the Son by the indwelling personal presence of the Holy Spirit
we begin to rediscover our true selves. We become more of the unique individual
and personal identity God created us to be. We become more not less.
Our Heavenly Father’s Plan of Transformation is a lifelong
process of growing in grace. The Holy Spirit is the Helper who offers us
knowledge, understanding, wisdom and good counsel to facilitate the Plan of
Transformation. In this world that plan is called Sanctification. In the next
world it is called Glorification.
Because the One God is an infinite and eternal
personal community of love we will never exhaust the potential to grow and
transform in that love. The vastness of the universe testifies to the inexhaustible
creativity of the One God in Three Persons.
The world of the first century was desperate to hear
Good News. It was a world of division, conflict and sorrow. The world of the 21st
Century is still desperate to hear Good News. The Good News of God in Christ is
that God is real, God is personal, God is love, God is Jesus Christ.
The Great Mystery of God is that God just doesn’t
have love God is love. God the Father sent the Son into the world to reunite what
humanity broke apart. God the Son sends the Holy Spirit to Help us heal and
restore the three prime relationships that define our species. Those three
prime relationships are our relationship with God, with other people and with
our true self.
We experience our relationship with God through worship,
the highest form of love that defines the very essence of Deity.
We express our relationship with other people by
sharing our abundance with them. We are our brother’s keeper. God designed us
to help each other. We share our spiritual abundance by telling people about
Jesus. We share our material abundance by feeding the hungry, housing the
homeless, healing the sick, befriending the lonely and by welcoming the stranger.
We discover our true selves as we allow the Holy
Spirit to transform the way we think, feel and make choices. The Holy Spirit is
the creative artist who weaves the mistakes we have made and continue to make
back into the original pattern of the Son.
As Jesus is the Good News of divine love so the Trinity
is the Good News that the One God invites us into an active dynamic and transforming
personal relationship with the Father, through the Son, by the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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