2 (Luke 2:41-52)
you not know…?”
Jesus was, and still is, fully human.
While his conception was miraculous, his gestation
and birth were completely normal. He is the incarnation of the co-eternal Word
of the Eternal Father. He is the Beloved.
Our Heavenly Father created all of us and each of us
to be the forever friends of the Beloved. That is the meaning and purpose of
life. That is the meaning and purpose we as a species rejected. Each of us
individually lives in separation from God. We are lost in separation. We are
not just merely or accidentally lost. We are willfully and spitefully lost.
We are lost and we do not want to be found. We are
lost and we seek meaning and purpose everywhere except in the original blessing
of the original design of God.
The co-eternal Word of the eternal Father, the
Beloved, came to Earth to seek the lost who do not want to be found. He unified
his divinity with our humanity in Jesus. Jesus is one person with two natures.
In order to achieve his goal of finding us, the Beloved surrendered all of his
divine prerogatives. He did this so he could live life exactly as we live life.
He is eternal but when he entered the world of time
he experienced time as we experience time- second by second, minute by minute,
hour by hour, day by day.
He is infinite but when he entered the world of
space he experienced limitation, location, and place.
He became fully human so he could experience exactly
what it means to be us and then offer us a new way of being human. It is the
Way of the Beloved. It is the way of grace.
Throughout his life, Jesus lived a normal human
life. He ate and drank. He slept and worked and played. He worshipped in the synagogue
every week on the Sabbath. He worshipped in the Temple in Jerusalem on the
appointed festivals. He read and studied and memorized scripture.
The biographies of Jesus, the gospels, mainly focus
on his three years of public ministry starting from when he turned 30 years
old. We hear a little about his birth. We know his parents fled to Egypt as
political refugees. They lived there for seven years then returned to Nazareth.
Then we have this incident when he was 12 years old.
He was still a child. He was on the cusp of adolescence. As with any 12 year
old he was inquisitive and curious. He apparently delighted in the age
appropriate “why” questions.
He became so entranced by the Temple rituals that he
remained in the Temple for three days after his family had returned home. He
probably just lost track of time. He certainly had perfect trust in his
heavenly Father to protect him and to take care of him. The Temple priests
probably gave him a place to sleep and food to eat. They were impressed with
his insightful questions and more than willing to offer their own insights into
the God of Israel and their understanding of religion.
His parents, however, were frantic- as well they
might be. In the context of the extended family of the time, Mary just assumed
Jesus was with an uncle or a cousin or one of his older step brothers. When
Mary and Joseph finally realized Jesus was missing they were horrified. Mary
especially knew the prophecies concerning the suffering servant Messiah. She
lived with a constant fear and a constant prayer for Jesus’ safety.
When they finally discovered Jesus in the Temple
after searching every place else for him they are both relieved and angry.
Jesus is curiously amazed at their reaction. It is almost as though he asks-
don’t you realize who I am? Don’t you trust God to protect me? But, then he
sees things from their perspective. He realizes, oh right. Yes. Of course. This
is why I came. This is what it means to be a child. This is what it means to be
a Mom and a Dad. This is fear.
Jesus had to learn fear from his parents and his
extended family. Jesus never separated from God. Jesus never reacted to life
with fear. He responded to life and to other people with faith through love.
So, he learned a valuable lesson in much the same way every 12 year old learns.
He learned from experience. He learned from observation. He understood through the
teachings of Moses that as a 12 year old he needed to honor his mother and his
step Father. He probably apologized and assured Mary he would be more mindful
and more respectful of her. It was a lesson any 12 year needed to learn. It was
especially poignant for Mary who knew that Jesus was the Son of God but did not
understand how Jesus was the Son of God.
Having lived life as we live life, Jesus wants to
help us live a better life. Jesus wants to help us make wise choices to live a
better Way of life. It is the way of faith through love. It is the Way of
Original Blessing. It is the Way we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to be the
best possible version of our unique personal identity. It is the Jesus Way of
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